Tips for Seniors: Staying in Touch when You Need to Stay Home


These days, most of us are staying home to combat the COVID-19 virus. Whether youre in a senior assisted living facility or in a house alone, for seniors, a diminished sense of connectivity can affect your health and wellbeing. Relationships are Continue reading →

Safety Tips for Senior Adults in the Hot Summer Heat


Summer is here and with it comes the inevitable heat. As we age, prolonged exposure to high temperatures can be dangerous. Older adults have a higher risk of developing heat-related illnesses due to physical changed in the body due to aging, chronic Continue reading →

Helping Senior Citizens Combat Depression


As social creatures, we strive to live healthily, pursue happiness, and seek out companionship. With all of that, a good balance between physical and mental wellbeing is important. Sometimes, we often see the senior citizens in our life as healthy, Continue reading →


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